Items I've learned today:
Mum/Mummy = mom (although I already knew that as I have been calling my mother "mummy" my entire life... I was born in London after all)

With Mother's Day this weekend and me being on the opposite side of the world from my own (I am currently in London completing an MBA, she is currently in Seattle).
I wanted to take a little bit of time to write about 10 things that I appreaciate about my Mother
1. Her love and caring nature. Even though we are physically apart at the moment there is something pretty incredible about the love between a mother and a daugher. I love and miss her hugs.
2. Her musical abilities. My mother has this absolutely amazing voice, and her songs (which she writes herself) have this amazing power, depth and passion to them. I have said since i was about 3 years old that I am her number one fan and I am.
3. Her cooking and baking. You would think I would have inheritated a bit of these abilities? Maybe someday I will? My mother is an absolutely incredible chef. I remember her inventing all of these fabulous meals out of whatever was left over in the cubboards/fridge growing up. I think what I love most though is her generosity of spirit with her baking, she never makes anything for just herself. It's always to share. Neighbours birthday? Check. New workcrew working on neighbours house who likes tired? Check.
4. Her laugh. My mother has an incredible laugh that always makes me smile
5. Her insight and intelligence. My mother is so incredibly smart she has the ability to pick up things and produce things that are quite frankly amazing.
6. Her writing. My mothers love of writing I think is probably one of the main reasons why I identify with writing so strongly myself. Although I haven't actually read very much of her work, I absolutely love that she uses it as an outlet.
7. Her strength. With me being over in London this has surfaced quite a bit recently. My mother is an incredibly strong woman, sometimes she doesn't fully see this, but I see it and i know it. I love her stength and resilence.
8. Her sense of wonder. My mother can be deeply moved by new things. I remember this from going to numerous plays with her or traveling to Las Vegas over the holidays. She does take time to appreciate the beauty and wonder around her
9. Her love of art, photography and cranes. In that particular order.
10. Her. I appreciate my mother just as she is. I love her. Everything about her. I love the relationship that we have. I love that she is my mother, and I appreciate her for just being her.

Happy Mothers Day Mummy. I am sorry that I am not able to physically give you a hug today, but I hope you can feel my love from these words and this message.
I love you.