My first few days in Egypt were spent amongst the chaos of Cairo.
Granted, I was off in my own luxury world at the Mena House. I would step outside onto the balcony and be greeted with a flurry of car horns and noise. It honestly sounded like a soundtrack of traffic. At one point I thought the hotel might be playing their own interesting take on the concept of white noise. Then I realised that was just everyday life of Cairo.
Day Three: brought us via flight from Cairo to Aswan and to the Old Cataract Hotel.
Aswan was like a dream.
This particular hotel was unlike anything I had experienced.

Agatha Christie stayed in this particular hotel and wrote "Murder on the Nile." (Photo and Desk below)

It only felt fitting that I spend an afternoon writing part of Book Two of the Crown Jewels.
I am proud to stay that I successfully made it to Chapter 50 and the halfway point of the book (I think).
This was my view as I sat on my balcony to write:

I will be using National Novel Writers Month in November to complete it.
Day 4: After getting settled into the hotel we had another early morning rise.
This time to Philae Temple: The Temple of Isis.
We rose with the sun to have our morning meditation in the Holy of Holies.
Kathianne (Spiritual Director of CSL who lead this particular trip) asked us to ponder "what is mine to create? What am I here to give birth to?" and call on Isis for guidance and assistance.

We sat in silence as we contemplated. Then Safaa lead us on a tour of the place.

I loved all of this. During the meditation, I felt Isis's presence, felt an activation of my third eye and was inspired to eventually capture and write more about Ancient Egypt, when the time is right.

Philae Temple was moved from it's original location which is pictured below

It felt incredible to have spent the day before focusing on my current piece of writing in the same space that Agatha Christie had once been inspired, and then spend the next morning in meditation and connection with Isis to open up to whatever is next.
I was honored and grateful to be lead by Kathianne as well as to have a tour with Safaa (and as always to Ahmed for easily facilitating all of our movements to and fro).
Up Next? My official introduction to Horus.
Interested in learning more about my personal journey?

Purchase my first book Crown Jewels: The Akasha Records (Book One) here:
Learn more about the The Akasha Records Journey (embodiment course here)