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Top of the Alcazar in Seville
The Art of Being


**Just Me** 
About & Subscribe
Author Profile Picture - taking in London

My name is Maria Vandenburg.


I once had a job interview where the CEO of the company pulled me aside to provide an unofficial mentorship opportunity.  ๐Ÿง


She told me to stop selling myself short, never say "I just" do this, or "I just" do that.  Well, my work celebrates the opposite.๐ŸŒน


It's about authentically sharing: 

  • How I am always striving to love ALL of who I am. 

  • How I continue to move forward on the never ending journey of remembering we are all enough. 


My recent journey has revolved around knowing that I am Enough, Just as I am... and hopefully a similar recognition for any and all who happen to come across these pages.๐ŸŒŸโ€‹



The Akasha Records Online Community

The intention is to create a sacred container for those who want to go on their own "Akasha Journey" to get to know their own Shadows. Akasha is the main character in my first trilogy series.

You can find more about here.


๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿป The Akasha Records Room๐Ÿ•บ๐Ÿป

Is designed to intentionally provide a safe space to show up JUST as you are: happy, sad, angry, mad, joyous:the whole spectrum of human emotions. To know that how we are feeling in the present moment IS enough... and welcomed and loved. Sign up below for more details as it all become more clear! โค. 
Join for free here

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