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Writer's pictureMaria Vandenburg

Living the life just like a Movie Star...

So - I hung out with Jennifer Lawrence this week. Well, I mean if you can consider "hanging out" frantically filming a short 20 second video as she zips by with the quickest autograph/selfie action I have ever seen (really, it was quite impressive), then I am not stretching the truth.

Next, I saw Jared Leto/30 Seconds to Mars and Pink perform live. If, of course by "live" you allow for it being "live via the BBC Radio One webpage" then this is also a factual statement. Because they both did perform at the exact same time that I was tuned in, and it also did physically happen in London, however I just might not have been in the same room.

And then finally - I had THE BEST last couple of days with good friends and my new flatmate/roommate and her family celebrating her "birthday" - even if it isn't technically until September 22nd.

And, as always. ITEMS I HAVE LEARNED TODAY (these all pretty much came from the Birthday girl herself).

Soz - sorry

Body Con = skin tight - she may or may not have wanted to wear a "body con" dress for her birthday party. I may or may not have had no idea what the hell she was talking about, lol :)

Cellophane Tape = Scotch Tape

Simple = Slow/not very bright - said along the lines of "he's a bit simple really"

The birthday shenangans started on Thursday. Melly (my friend from Seattle who has just completed a Masters over here and I previously wrote about being THE BEST TOUR GUIDE EVER - haha) told me about this app called Today Tix. I downloaded it the night before and came across the "Immersive Gatsby" experience. Setting my alarm for 10:00am the next day, I ended up getting us rush tickets. It was absolutely incredible. Not only was it the first time that Tiffany and I really properly got to hang out, but we literally got to go to a roaring 20's party thrown by the "old sport" himself. Complete with telling Daisy that she looked absolutely incredible, to running off for some gin with Myrtal, to Tom Buchanon hitting on Tiffany, to the "old sport" himself telling "Tia Maria" (as they nicknamed us) that we look nice and asking us to stand up front. I even learned 8 counts of the Charleston. Well, to be fair, I actually originally learned that dance when I was 8 and taking jazz classes in Santa Monica, but I re-learned it on Thursday. It's all very hush hush, they don't even reveal the location until after you purchase the tickets.

SO FUN. the evening was incredible. It made me want to audition, however there is this whole singing thing that I don't really do all that well, as well as this 37.5 hour work-week and an MBA program that I have starting up next week, so you know...

Friday evening I caught up with my really good friend Lena who I actually hadn't seen since 2010 when we were both living in Sydney, Australia. Lena is incredible. She is one of those friendships that even though it had been 7 years since we had seen each other, it felt like no time had actually passed. We went to her favorite restaurant called Salvador and Amanda (inspired by the romance between Salvador Dali and Amanda Lear). Food was amazing, ambiance was incredible. And Lena? Well, she's alright :) haha.

And today... I've just finished spending time with Tiffany and her family. Her mother, father and sister all came into town, along with her boyfriend and his father. Saturday we ran errands and then went out to dinner at a place called Jak's. Because I am a grandma these days (no, not literally, I just get tired easily), I only made it out until about 11:00pm. I woke up this morning and asked how the rest of the evening was - apparently there was "dancing and resuscitation." I'm not joking. Some guy got in a fight, fell, cut his head open, Tiffany started hysterically crying and her mum ended up nursing him back to health while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. I missed the entire fiasco.

Today, we went for more Tapas at this amazing place over by London Bridge called Bravas. Out of the 20 million things we had, my favorite was the "Moorish Lamb Chops" SOO good. My mouth is literally watering thinking about them and I'm still full from the meal that we just had.

And now? Well, now I am writing to you but preparing myself for the craziness to start tomorrow.

The Seahawks will play tonight at 9pm my time, and I have managed to find a bar that will show the game. This will most likely be the only game I can watch this season as I don't think staying out until 1am on a Sunday night is going to be a feasible option for me. I will head over to the bar and meet another friend from Seattle (Emi - she's amazing, she actually founded the hip hop group that I danced for a little bit with in Seattle, but we only knew each other in passing. I'm so happy to get the chance to get to know her better in London town). I'll head off to meet her, and then tomorrow is "Enrolment" for school, well the first of 5 days anyway.

I'm incredibly grateful though that I have had these last couple days to really step out here and experience London. From attempting to be a flapper for an evening, to having Tapas and great laughs all weekend long with Lena and Tiffany's incredible family, it has been amazing.

Just what the doctor ordered.




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