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Writer's pictureMaria Vandenburg

5 things I've learned from moving to London

I have one more reflection paper to write and an International Trip to Naples,  then my first year of my MBA program comes to a close.

It has been a crazy year! Complete with moving across the world and starting a completely new job, you can also through in a few house moves in for fun as well.

MBA ladies and moi

I've spent a bit of time reflecting on all things about my life in London recently and have boiled it all down to

5 things that I have learned about myself this year:

I'm a lot braver than I think I am.

This has surfaced quite a bit recently. I have numerous people on several different occasions comment on how "brave" they think I am. I didn't really consider myself particularly bold or daring before moving over here, but now I'm starting to realise that I am. I think it kind of goes hand in hand with trusting that everything will end up how ever it's supposed to though.

I'm perfectly capable of leading

I knew that I was a perfectly capable project manager before arriving over here, but now I am starting to see and believe in myself in more of a leadership capacity. I ended up managing my current company's approach to GDPR and also successfully completed the role of CEO during my first board experience through my MBA program.

Not only am I capable, someday... I want to lead

I hadn't really made that connection before. I've recently realised that I don't think I will be satisfied just managing projects for the rest of my life, at some point I would like to have a bigger impact. At some point I would like to step up and help to lead the way (just not entirely sure what that looks like yet)

I can make peace with uncertainty

This is literally the story of my life in its current moment. I'm traveling in August and will come back to London not entirely sure where I am working or living (as of right now, anyway) Surprisingly? I am OK with it. I am also not entirely sure of my exact traveling plans and am currently planning on spending a good chunk of it traveling alone.  Uncertainty still un-nerves me of course, but I am slowly learning to just accept it as a part of life. Let's not even get started on my love life here, I could write a novel on it ;)

I am never alone

I actually figured this out when I was writing a 20 page reflection paper for school, but I am supported in so many ways both physically and non-physically. I just need to make sure to take a minute to slow down, listen and pay attention.

So that's what this first year has shown me, who know's what year 2 has in store for me.

I have  a feeling it's going to lead to some great things.


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